January 26th ʻŌhiʻa Love Festival & Master Gardener Plant Sale
This year the ʻŌhiʻa Love Festival & Master Gardener Plant Sale joined forces for a very successful event on January 26th at the UHH research extension on Komohana. The day was dynamic, bringing in a steady stream of community members to learn more about the environment from numerous groups. View this brief movie with photos produced by event organizers: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGdx61O-5I/rONn1BaJvU5a3sA10RnITw/watch?utlId=ha0c514d770
HER tabled at the event, recruiting over 30 new subscribers and volunteers while informing people about the Keau’ohana project, and Hawaii’s plant world. HER was one of the ʻŌhiʻa Love Festival committed participants prior to the pandemic; we hope that the festival will resume its original annual rhythm! It is a special community event for all ages!