With every year HER furthers in its collaborations with other like-minded organizations within local and global communities. Collaborations include:
- HER hosts and facilitates volunteer opportunity with a growing number of local, U.S. mainland and international schools and Community Groups.
- University of Hawaii at Hilo (UHH) – supporting vegetation classes, student graduate studies, special events, facilitating the LWFWG (see below).
- UH Mānoa — Ecosystems Extension Project/, Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Management finds collaborations to support knowledge exchanges on the topics of Invasive Plants, Invasive Animals, and Climate-Change Resilient Restoration for Natural Resource Managers.
- Hawaii Community College (HCC) – Hosting service learning events and internships
- Plant Extinction Prevention Program (PEPP), the Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW), and the Volcano Rare Plant Facility (VRPF) – Monitoring and preserving the endangered species.
- Natural Areas Reserves (NARS)/ DOFAW) – Fencing all natural clusters of the endangered species.
- USDA Forest Service – HER support network and ROD Studies.
- Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry – Support bio-control against target invasive species
- Malama O Puna (MOP) – nonpofit that hosted efforts prior to launching HER in 2019. Contributed in seed collection, green house propagation and out-plantings prior to nursery being under HER umbrella.
- Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) – Have provided many volunteer group opportunities for HER, and form a part of HER fundamental support network.
- Council District 4 /Kīlauea Recovery Team– HER has been a committed member of the quarterly Revitalize Puna Events over several years, and is on the Natural Environment RCA CO-Chair to bring community and County together.
- Global Giving Community– HER is permanent member, global exposure, fundraising support.
- GiveGab – local community annual December fundraising platform
- Hawaiian Tourism Authority — Malama Hawaii Program directing tourists to our volunteer program
- Lemu — Collaborating with an innovative platform for conservation that is developing an “Atlas of the Biosphere” to help revert the environmental crises by connecting organizations whose work targets forest & habitat conservation/restoration; new potential funding source.
- United Nations — HER is included on the Restoration Road Trip environmental program representing restoration efforts worldwide.
- Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) – Provide seedlings and out-planting support
- USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center— Participate in Hawaiʻi Cooperative Studies Unit developing a restoration synthesis under the UH Hilo Climate Adaptation Science Center.
- Rustic Pathways – Summer volunteer events student-travel programs that empowers students through innovative and responsible travel experiences to positively impact lives and communities around the world.
- Lowland Wet Forest Working Group (LWFWG) under UHH; Puna and Hilo District professionals collaborating together to ensure best possible restoration practices for each of our projects in support of remaining lowland wet forest environments. Collectively, we are working toward developing a cohesive stewardship manual for public support regarding native vegetation and invasive species issues. HER is an integral part of this collaboration between following entities:
- HER – Hawaii Environmental Restoration
- BIISK — Big Island Invasive Species Committee
- HIARNG – Hawaii Army National Guard / Keaukaha study/experimental plots
- HILT—Hawai’i Land Trust
- OHA – Office of Hawaiian Affairs/ Wao Kele o Puna
- PP – Pohaku Pelemaka / Puna coast protection and preservation
- UH Hilo – University of Hawaii at Hilo
- USDA FS IPIF – US Dept. of Ag /Institute of Pacific Island Forestry
- USGS PIERC — Pacific island Ecosystems Research Island Forestry
- KS – Kamehameha Schools