Fall Equinox Volunteer Work-Party 2019

This Fall Equinox Volunteer Work Party recruited 17 lovely participants. After a brief Hawaiian pule and orientation, volunteers proceeded to hand-pull invasive species in the west volunteer loop of the Keau’ohana restoration site. The summer heat and rain brings much growth to both native and invasive species.

We were very fortunate to enjoy together a full day of sunshine as we built numerous compost piles in the general region. Dominant weeds included the usual clidemia, erichtites, and thimble berry, but we also conquered two substantial patch of arthrostema which fortunately thus far, we have managed to control before any wide spread invasion has occurred in Keau’ohana; we hope to completely eradicate this very undesirable species in the forest by persisting in the few areas it has been located.

We were pleased to encounter many of the recently planted Ohe trees and took the opportunity to liberate them from encroaching weeds, and fertilizing them. A number of ha’iwale plantings were monumental. It was very exciting to see and care for such prosperous endangered specimens!