October 11th Revitalize Puna Event

The October 11th Revitalize Puna Event was another sweet success! This community movement grows stronger with each time, and it is such a pleasure to encounter new people among the familiar faces of those working so hard to build resilience in Puna. HER is proud to be part of the environmental component of such an occasion, exposing ourselves and bridging lives with our community. We are once again grateful to County Representative Ashley Kierkiewicz, who is behind all of this as a powerful and active County Representative and among many others present.

Thanks to their commitment to the community and to our shared environment, Hawaii Environmental Restoration has once again been awarded with County contingency funds that provide us with the necessary supplies and materials toward our cause. We so appreciate this support in moving forward to restore and protect Keau’ohana, as well as to help educate community and visitors through our volunteer program.