UH Hilo Vegetation Class — February 26th

On February 26th Professor Jonathan Price from the University of Hawai’i at Hilo brought 20 students into the forest for his yearly vegetation class. It was encouraging to hear many of the students well versed in Hawaiian Protocol. Together we discussed HER restoration project in light of the management challenges involved with confronting invasive plants, rapid ‘ohi’a death, and other threats. Other class objectives included learning the primary species and basic ecological characteristics of Lowland Wet Forest followed by an exercise in surveying tree size and abundance in managed vs. unmanaged plots.

Dr. Price was once upon a time my advisor when conducting my Master’s in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science at UHH. In fact I have fond memories of completing that very class one decade ago! It is with great pleasure that I assist him in the Keau’ohana forest today!