Board of Directors:

Jaya C. Dupuis
Jaya Dupuis has since 1989 immersed herself in the natural world of subsistence farming in Hawai’i; and since 2014 been Project Director for intensive restoration in Keau’ohana State Forest Reserve. She has also been a school and community group educator in the forest and in the Hilo/Puna Districts. Author of “Hawai’i Plant World Essentials“, Jaya is dedicated to community outreach and education of critical vegetation issues and solutions, in support of the Hawaii lowland environment from garden to forest. You can also find her 2012 thesis about vegetation patterns in Hawaii: “Invasion and Resilience in Lowland Wet Forests of Hawai‘i“.

Vice President/Field Assistant:
Jon Rathbun
Longest standing crew member and avid supporter of native species and environments. Jon is a plant specialist developing a picture identification book of all plant species found on the Island of Hawai’i. Jon offered countless volunteer hours helping establish the trail system a year prior to the project’s launching.

Treasurer/Cultural Advisor:
Tom Brennon
Tom has been a mo’o for the Protect Kaho’olawe Ohana since in 1990, after the State of Hawai‘i designated the island as a natural and cultural reserve, “to be used exclusively for the preservation and practice of all rights customarily and traditionally exercised by Native Hawaiians for cultural, spiritual, and subsistence purposes.” Hawaiian protocol for Keau’ohana has been performed based on Jaya’s personal training with Tom since the late 1990’s. As a retired kumu of HAAS charter school, his supportive presence to HER becomes more prominent.

Diga Kern
Diga is a musician, permaculture farmer, forest protector, educator, parent, and intentional community founder, living in Koa`e since 1992. He has served in many capacities for the nonprofits Dragonʻs Eye Learning Center, Hawai`i Academy of Arts & Sciences, Malama O Puna, Ohana O Kumukahi, the Koa`e Community Association, and now Hawai`i Environmental Restoration. He currently stewards forests in the Nanawale State Forest Reserve and the PONC-protected Wai`ele lands.
The 2023 Keau’ohana Crew:

Jon Rathbun
Longest standing crew member and avid supporter of native species and environments. Jon is a plant specialist developing a picture identification book of all plant species found on the Island of Hawai’i. Jon offered countless volunteer hours helping establish the trail system a year prior to the project’s launching.

Koa Quitevis
Yet another wonderful weekly field worker with a sincere interest and knowledge in Hawaii plant life.

Cory Edging
A plant enthusiast in the process of developing a homestead in wa’awa’a, and owner of the Māla Lā’au Hawai’i native plant nursery. Read more about Cory…

Malie Larish
Malie holds a B.S. in Environmental Science and previously worked as an outplanting technician at Pohakuloa Training Area. She is thrilled to help preserve the native biodiversity of Keau’ohana.

Oxana Sistla
Environmentalist at heart and by trade. I’m new to the island and I’m learning Hawaiian through nature.
Outstanding Volunteers:

Jim Buck
Jim was a breath of fresh air in 2019 when he offered to help launch HER non-profit, and became our Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who volunteered accounting and tax preparation services for HER initial five years of operation! He is happily retired and will be missed!

Russell Ruderman
Past Hawai’i State Senator of the Puna and Ka’u Districts, and founder /owner of several Island Naturals food stores on the Big Island. Russell is a strong environmental advocate and has had a major supportive influence in us receiving initial State grants from the Legislature for the restoration of Keau’ohana; in the launching of HER non-profit in 2014; and as a HER Board of Director’s member for its five formative years. Russell has also regularly offered generous donations toward the forest project.

James Elston
James has done digital animation and provided website design and technical support for small businesses for over 30 years, and has done so for HER since launching in 2019!

Masa Sumida
Born and raised in Hilo, Masa has been a successful business entrepreneur and is now happily retired. Masa volunteered seven years from the launching of the Keau’ohana restoration project in 2015. As a most dedicated forest volunteer, Masa joined the weekly field crew, contributing much time to invasive species control and the consolidation of dead wood on our restoration site. Masa has been a strong supporter of the project on many levels and is a treasured member.
A big THANK YOU to past Keau’ohana rainforest field technicians and other supporters who have contributed significantly to HER since 2014:
Jeff Stallman, Nick Livigni, Philip Caporusso, Clive Cardozo, Patrick Wilson, Greg Cerrato, Spencer Willis, David Jones Palila, Trevor Keliihoomalu, Minoh Banks, Ale’alani Evangelista, Mina Viritua, Stephanie Bostedt, Ashley Nemeth, Linda Larish, Chris Clever, Malina Fagan, Hilary Flaming, Kelly Collins, Jeremiah O’Brien, Arianna Arakaki, Laura Luther, Greg DiBenedetto, Brittany Broadus, Lily Stein, Jacob Hall, and Kumsa Maphalala.