Special Verto Education Program Event
October 4th and 5th

Young adult students from across the U.S. have come for a semester of learning through Verto, an education program directed by Kelly Teamey and based in Hawai’i that supports first year undergraduate students to obtain credits through general education courses that are taught through an immersive and experiential learning approach to higher education.
Environmental Science class Kumu Mokganedi Tathego, and Hawaiian Cultural Studies Kumu Leila Kealoha from the Ke Aloha ‘Aina Foundation, brought 86 students (divided into 4 groups) to the forest of Keau’ohana over the course of two days on October 4th- 5th. The objective of these visits was to learn about forest restoration, and discuss local environmental and cultural issues.
It was an honor for HER project director, Jaya Dupuis to co-facilitate this special event with Leila and Mokganedi to help bridge environmental science concepts being taught with current initiatives occurring in the Puna District, and share in Hawaiian cultural discussion and protocol.