The Pahoa High School KUPU Program

A partnership with the KUPU environmental education leader at Pahoa High School, Darien Matlock, working alongside natural resource teacher Christian Atalig, began on November 20th to host groups of students on a regular basis. Kupu has a two-fold mission: to preserve the land while empowering youth. The organization provides hands-on training in conservation, sustainability, and environmental education for young adults, with the goal of fostering the next generation of environmental and cultural stewards.

Our first event was awesome, with twelve students and two teachers engaging in a successful hands-on restoration experience. The group worked hard together, helping HER in the completion of our 7th systematic site pass. We are proud of their accomplishment and very thankful to them for persevering through the morning with our crew!

    Here are a couple before and after shots of their great clearing work!